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Checking houses that fits you

It would be better if you try housing loan scrrening for knowing your budget but,..

👩‍💼If you don't want to try it but, would like to find 🏠houses you might buy, Please check below.


If so, I will check your budget.

After that, I will find and send you photo of the houses that fits you. 

Important points to note
⚠️Please enter the person checking have permanent residence or Japanese nationality.

⚠️After sending, please also send a message by facebook messenger.

※If you have facebbok messenger, please enter that name

5. Average monthly salary
6. Length of service
7. Do you have current loans, including credit card revolving payment and keitai ?
8. If you have no.8, how much is monthly payment ?
9. Have you ever been late for loan payment ?
10. Simple Japanese conversation ability
11. Does the person checking have permanent residence or Japanese nationality ?


Ibaraki Association of Architectural Firms B5464 0309

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