Banks have conditions.
Especially for housing loan, there are so many conditions. This is one of the main reasons why housing loan is harder than other loans.
1st is a simple examination. However, there are more conditions in 2nd than in the 1st. So 1st is OK, 2nd is NG. There will be more cases.
It does not happen, it is necessary to take measures and balance the conditions with the bank.
So we recommend that you consider 2nd examination from 1st.

In addition,
foreigners have language problems. Some banks require understanding of the contents of all documents (including Kanji).
Banks thinks about reading and writing Japanese="Nihongo" as well as Japanese people. It is often the case that the examination cannot be done due to language problems.
So it is necessary to coordinate this point with the bank.
If you will prepare the reqired documents for housing loan examination, you can submit the bank. However, it is actually difficult.
So it is better to leave housing loan examination to an expert.
If you want to know more,

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