The important is challenge.
I think that having your own house in Japan is your dream.If you really want to have your own house, the first thing to do is a "challenge."
The challenge is "just to do housing loan examination."
There are two reasons.
1. You can’t think of houses without knowing how much bank lends you.
If you know how much the bank will lend you housing loan, you can think and find of houses. This is a matter of course.
2. Houjing loan examination is very difficult for Japanese, especially for foreigners.
Housing loan examination is different from other loan examination. Cars, cell phones, air conditioner etc .. these are very easy examination. Anyone can apply them.
Also, housing loan examination is 3 times in all. 1st is simple but, 2nd is detail. So 1st is OK but, 2nd is often NG. It is very strict loan for Japanese, especially for foreigners.
So,the shortcut to having your own house is
"challenge"=just to do housing loan examination, not thinking a house and not finding a house.
The important is challenge.
If you will try housing loan examination,
please check this,
If you will send it, we will advice you.
Please feel free to contact us.