It is better to prepare them as early as possible.
At the first meeting
If you will approve 1st screening, I will meet and expalin in directly.
1st check the following for accuracy
1️⃣ Name in katakana
2️⃣ Annual income
3️⃣ Current loans
4️⃣ Loan history
So 1st, please prepare at least the following.
A. Documents to be got at City Hall
B. Documents for current loans
A. Documents to be got at City Hall
1️⃣ Certificate of Residence all family
”Setai-zeiin no Jyuminhyo”
⚠️List everything except permanent domicile and "my number". Foreign nationals must have their status of residence listed.
2️⃣ Seal certificate
⚠️If you don't registered, Pease register at the city hall after making a "Inkan".
3️⃣ Income tax certificate
”Shotoku kazei shomeisho" Reiwa 6 and 5 nendo
⚠️If it is not possible to get it, please get
"Hikazei shomeisho" , tax exemption certificate.
There are city hall documents. If you have "my nuber card", you can get them at convenience store, seven 11, family fart etc,.
B. Documents for current loans
Current loans is important factor for 2nd. If you have them, please prepare the following.
1️⃣ Borrowing for monthly payments
Auto loan, Cash loan, Products loan (including keitai), Education loans, etc.
・Payment schedule
⚠️You always get them from the company you bought it. If not, it is lost. In that case, please ask and get them again from that company.
2️⃣ Borrowing by credit card
Shopping (installment payment, revolving payment), Cash advance, Card loan, etc.
・Usage statement
・Contract date
⚠️You always recieve it in monthly invoice paper or app from the card company you used. If not, it is lost or not registered. In that case, please register in the app.
There are all requirements for 2nd
The reason
I think I have explained why it is better to get 2nd screening approval from the bank as soon as possible.
It is...
Houses in good condition are popular. This is the same not only for you but also for others.
If there are several people who want to buy the house, the house owner will give priority to those who have been approved for 2nd screening.
This is reason. should prepare requirements for 2nd screening.
If you will want to do, please ask
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